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NEEM™ in North Carolina
CUBA, Bolivia, Navajo Nation, Savaii, SudAfrica – EcoPreservation of Culture, Indigenous-Ancestral people
NEEM™ is a NatGeo, Kodak & Golden Leaf national award winning CFSA, FSA USDA “ member & activist organization” working with Sustainable & Conventional producers leading “cause related” Agroecology and Sustainable Agriculture delegations to Cuba since 2001.
February 5th – 12th 2023 Private delegation
A Dr. Cutis Youngs. the Ensminger endowed Chair, Iowa State University, NEEM our Cuban Counterparts. and the Ensminger AG Tech schools
The Ensminger/Iowa State/Cuba AG Tech schools were established during a world tour in 1995 by ME & Audrey Ensminger with The NGO Agri Services Foundation (ME), Iowa State University and Cuban counterparts in cooperative effort with a board in Animal Science. This was specifically Cattle/Dairy at a very difficult time for the Cuban people. The era and the timing of the schools was fortuitous. This was only four yeares after the collapse of the U.S.S.R. when all economic support ended immediately for Cuba. This was and is today referred to in Cuba as the “Special Period”.
Out of all countries where Ensminger schools were established, Cuba was the only to receive two schools because scientific knowledge, bovine history and prowess in Animal Science.
1995 – ME Ensminger statement on Cuba “I saw a country which by necessity, is leading the world in sustainable agriculture in reducing off farm inputs of pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers and maximizing the use of forages. Soon after the year 2000, I predict that more and more countries will follow the lead of Cuba in sustainable agriculture. We can learn from each other.”
Programming Itinerary is investigation of Ensminger Schools in Animal Science
NEEM and I personally am excited about the prospects mutually beneficial to all and the eventual outcomes we expect in a cooperative effort in addressing self sufficiency and “Food Security”. This is what the Ensminger Schools and Dr., Youngs with Iowa State university do. We need to reinstate the schools using the Finca Figia model as was done at Hemingway’s house and its preservation. That was history and preservation and we see the schools in the same way. Historic Preservation and Food Sovereignty!
NEEM and Founder, Jeff Ensminger has led Agriculture delegations to Cuba since 2000 attending by invitation U.S./Cuba Agricultural Exhibition in 2002 (PABEXPO) as a USDA and Carolina Farm Stewards (CFSA) member. NEEM is a National award’s winning organization active in Cuba advocacy on AG lobbying in Washington since 1996 working on the Farm Bills and negotiating for bi lateral trade. NEEM has Agroecological projects globally all run from the bottom up by community.
tact us for help on travel or the reservation form. Delegates will all meet casually on the 21st for questions and orientation.
CUBA the allusive Pearl of the Antilles
Neem, the tree of a thousand and one uses, the village pharmacy; a natural solution to global problems. Neem is a tree and the inspiration to NEEM as an organization which applies Agroecological philosophy in sustainable community development. Environmental activism roots began in 1974 in Mystic, CT. with Pete Seegar, the Clearwater, Citation Society and Greenpeace in the environmentally historic meeting that saved Greenpeace. Originally founded as Natural Environmental Ecological Management an activist organization in 1996. We formalized in 2009; with a reorganization in 2014 under the acronym NEEM or the legacy organization that we are today. We promote Biological alternatives (neem) to chemical inputs and consult globally on Agroecological Development with the farm as the fulcrum. We facilitate urban and rural agroecological engineered projects for the Indigenous and Ancestral people that are culturally driven, off grid, NET Zero, self sustaining & facilitate process through foreign knowledge exchange programs from NEEM. Organoponico NEEM is a FSA USDA member in Durham, North Carolina. NEEM consults businesses, agribusinesses, Environmental engineers, organizations and governments on to scale environmental projects. In Cuba and other partner countries we have special long term high level relationships and shared values. We also have one thing that you must earn in Cuba and emerging economies; trust. A trust that developed out of mutual respect in the shared struggle to effect positive change in environmental approaches to Climate Change in Cuba.

NATGEO/Kodak Funes ecotrail
NEEM promotes sustainable production for those socioeconomically excluded from organic. These are Agroecological approaches to social justice, “Sustainable Food Security” and self reliant community. We promote urban and rural sustainable agriculture as the the inextricable link to nature, health, nutrition, climate and environment. NEEM replicates the Cuban model. We promote the cooperative model because it works. These collaborative fulcrums leverage the bottom up development and project success.
NEEM incorporates neem cake, neem oil, bio-char, compost and vermi-compost and green manures like azola or biological controls such as Tricaderma in the soil biology and pest management regimens. We consult to scale NEEM projects that incorporate all aspects of sustainable development and promote off grid closed loop diverse systems that consider culture. An Agroeco-community approach for agriculture and a cooperative or self sustaining Eco Pueblos.
Eco Pueblo – a back to the land agroecological engineering cooperative community project born in our relationship with Bolivia where competitiveness and production is replaced by unity. Locations for development of Eco Pueblo: Durham, NC USA, Agroecology Projects; 75 hectares in Sacaba, Bolivia, 1500 hectares, Villa Tunari, Cochabamba; 8 Villages RuLIV Eastern SudAfrica, Kenya Rongo District (diversified Agroforestry) and Navajo Nation 50 acre Sustainable Orchard management with negotiations on 97 hectares at Soledad, Cienfuegos or Perico, Matanzas, Cuba. Eco Pueblos utilizes cultural attributes specific to the community and culture leveraging diverse systems under agroecological philosophies in a bottom up approach through the multinational cooperative. 3 Continents and Caribbean.
NEEM seeks to effect positive change, promote the numerous uses of “Neem Tree” by-products, and the philosophy of Agroecology as catalyst to understanding natural methods in the urban and rural environment. The existence of neem says to us that there are effective natural answers that new irreversible technology is dangerous (GMO) and a threat to the food chain. NEEM says no to groups that support disruption of climate, nature and people through introduction of unnatural systems designed to profit off of people rather than people profit from the earth. JAE. Founder NEEM, Eco Pueblo, A Wandering Feast, the Monkey Island Environmental and Climate Change mapping project, Cuba-U.S. Environmental Policy & signatory for Sacaba, Bolivia Eco Pueblos project
To request permission to use any material from this site submit your request via e-mail to the Copyright Clearance Center Inc. at cc Intellectual property of the corporation, it’s marks, licenses and documents is fully protected by copyright and trademark law, licensed and fully enforced by our intellectual property law firm.™
NEEM is a not-for-profit activist corporation with methods of operation that have the purpose of affecting public/private sector policies that impact human health, the environment, and community through promotion of sustainable urban development (Eco Pueblos™), education in Agroecological philosophies, with effective, biological alternatives to inputs and the farm as the fulcrum to self sustaining closed loop off grid community.