NEEM in Durham NC

Crayfish Trap – rice paddy
NEEM provides infrastructure to support and promote sustainable urban agriculture & environment globally and in North Carolina. Current initiatives include:
- AgrEco Systems
- Agroecological systems in Cuba
- School Garden Classrooms
- Ec0 Pueblo – multinational cooperative
- NEEM and Chefs Move to Schools
- Urban Farm programs for individuals, neighborhoods, parks and schools
- Economic Development for cultural preservation of Indigenous & Ancestral people
- Monkey Island Foundation, Corolla, NC
- Foreign Knowledge Exchange – projects hands on
Sustainable production info: Seeds, field ready, Starts, crowns and Soil Biology
With new land expansion and environmental protection of 9000+ acres on 3 Continents, the Caribbean & Pacific – NEEM needs more volunteers. Email NEEM AT neemtree DOT org to join our list serve for volunteer opportunities, including announced workdays , or to let us know how you’d like to get involved.
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